• ISSN: 2148-2225 (online)

Ulaştırma ve Lojistik Kongreleri

alphanumeric journal

The Journal of Operations Research, Statistics, Econometrics and Management Information Systems

Solution Approach to Cutting Stock Problems Using Iterative Trim Loss Algorithm and Monte-Carlo Simulation

Özge Köksal

Ergün Eroğlu, Ph.D.


Cutting Stock Problems are the most studied NP-Hard combinatorial problems among optimization problems. An One-dimensional Cutting Stock Problem (1-CSP), which aims to create cutting patterns to minimize trim loss, is one of the best known optimization problems. The difficulty of the solution stages and the lack of a definite solution method that can be applied to all problems have caused these problems to attract a lot of attention by researchers. This study includes a hybrid solution algorithm combined with iterative trim loss algorithm and Monte Carlo simulations, and a comparative study of the method with the solution methods in the literature, for the solution of orders to be obtained with minimum cutting loss from the same type of stocks.

Keywords: Combinatorial Optimization, Cutting Stock Problems, NP-Hard

Jel Classification: C46

Suggested citation

Köksal, Ö. & Eroğlu, E. (). Solution Approach to Cutting Stock Problems Using Iterative Trim Loss Algorithm and Monte-Carlo Simulation. Alphanumeric Journal, 11(2), 125-136. https://doi.org/10.17093/alphanumeric.1293487



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Volume 11, Issue 2, 2023


alphanumeric journal

Volume 11, Issue 2, 2023

Pages 125-136

Received: May 6, 2023

Accepted: Dec. 19, 2023

Published: Dec. 31, 2023

Full Text [857.1 KB]

2023 Köksal, Ö., Eroğlu, E.

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