Effects of the Increase in Motor Vehicles on Environmental Protection Expenditures and Traffic Safety: An Examination Using Grey Incidence Analysis Method
Cengiz Gazeloğlu, Ph.D.
Author Profile
Cengiz Gazeloğlu, Ph.D.
Assoc. Prof., Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Suleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkiye, cengizgazeloglu@sdu.edu.tr
Global environmental pollution is increasingly becoming one of today's most pressing issues, and the situation is
becoming increasingly alarming day by day due to greenhouse gas emissions causing climate change. Industrialization and
urban growth adversely affect the quality of air, water, and soil, reduce biological diversity, and endanger human
health. In this regard, increasing and efficiently using environmental protection expenditures is a crucial criterion
for reducing harmful emissions as well as achieving sustainable development goals. The increase in the number of motor
vehicles has a significant impact on environmental protection expenditures. Exhaust gases from vehicles are one of the
main causes of air pollution, which, especially in large cities, reduces air quality. Increasing air pollution causes
health problems as well as environmental damage, forcing governments and local administrations to allocate more
financial resources to improve air quality and reduce emissions. In this study, using data obtained from the Turkish
Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT) for the period 2013-2022, grey relational grades of environmental protection
expenditures, greenhouse gas emissions, and the number of road accidents according to the number of motor vehicles were
calculated. It can be observed that the expenditure on environmental protection for motor vehicles, for which the
grey-scale relationships have been separated, is approximately 78%. Additionally, the greenhouse gas emissions are
approximately 95%, while the number of road accidents is approximately 98%.
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