Analysis of the Relationship between Real Effective Exchange Rate, Common Equity Tier 1 Ratio and Return on Equity: Evidence from Turkey
Esra N. Kılcı, Ph.D.
Author Profile
Esra N. Kılcı, Ph.D.
Assist. Prof., Department of International Trade and Finance, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Istanbul Arel University, Istanbul, Turkiye,
The analysis of the relationship between exchange rate fluctuations, common equity and return on equity is of high importance to be able to improve adequate policies with the purpose of maintaining stability in foreign exchange rate, when it is taken into consideration that mentioned fluctuations lead to the loss in bank capital and profitability. Hence, the studies in the related literature have been increasing in great amount recently. The objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between real effective exchange rate, common equity and return on equity in the period of 2014:01 - 2018:09. The unit root properties of the series are tested by using Carrion-i Silvestre et al.(2009) unit root test and the cointegration relationship between the series is investigated by employing Maki(2012) cointegration test. Both tests take into account multiple structural breaks. The results indicate that there is only a long run relationship between real effective exchange rate and return on equity for Turkish Banking Sector with structural breaks.
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