The Journal of Operations Research, Statistics, Econometrics and Management Information Systems
alphanumeric journal is devoted to original research in the field of business administration and related areas. The aim of the journal is to provide a medium by which a wide range of experience can be exchanged among researchers from diverse fields such as social sciences, and engineering. alphanumeric serves as a vehicle for researchers and practitioners in the field of quantitative methods, and is enabling a process of sharing in all fields related to the operations research, statistics, econometrics and management informations systems in order to enhance the quality on a globe scale.
Open Access
All articles published in Alphanumeric Journal are permanently free for everyone to read and download
Peer Reviewed
Articles appearing in Alphanumeric Journal are sent for review by external reviewer(s)
Alphanumeric Journal is published twice a year, in June and December
Alphanumeric Journal uses DOI numbers which ensures that articles are permanently active
No Charge
No submission, processing, page, colored figures or publication charges are received from authors, readers or elsewhere.
Volume 12, Issue 2, 2024 See all articles
Research Article • MISResume Screening with Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Mehtap Saatçı, Rukiye Kaya, Ramazan Ünlü
Evaluating the Corporate Reputation of Public Hospitals with Emotion Analysis through Patient Comments: The Case of Antalya Atatürk State Hospital
Factor Analysis of the Effects of Education Systems During the Covid-19 Pandemic Process on Manisa Celal Bayar University Students
Aynur İncekırık, Merve İşseven, Öznur İşçi Güneri
Buckley-James Model in Survival Analysis
Faculty of Transportation and Logistics, Istanbul University
Campus 34452 Fatih/Istanbul/TURKEY
Bahadır Fatih Yıldırım, Ph.D.
+ 90
(212) 440 00 00 - 13219
alphanumeric journal has been publishing as "International Peer-Reviewed Journal" every six months since 2013. alphanumeric serves as a vehicle for researchers and practitioners in the field of quantitative methods, and is enabling a process of sharing in all fields related to the operations research, statistics, econometrics and management informations systems in order to enhance the quality on a globe scale.