Reputation management, which is one of the application areas of public relations and constitutes an important part of strategic communication management, comes into play at the point where organisations implement differentiation strategies and achieve their goals. In this direction, strategic approaches supported by accurate data are critical to strengthening the overall reputation of organisations. In this study, it is aimed at analysing the corporate reputation of public hospitals through patient comments using sentiment analysis techniques. Antalya Atatürk State Hospital was selected as the sample for the study. Patient comments were obtained from feedback shared on public platforms about the hospital. Sentiment analysis is an effective method used to evaluate the perception of a brand, person, or institution among the public. In this context, a detailed analysis of the hospital's service quality, doctor-patient relations, hospital environment, and other important factors was made using sentiment analysis. As a result of the analysis, the main factors affecting patient satisfaction and the strengths and weaknesses of the hospital were revealed. It is thought that the findings of the study will provide important clues for the development of corporate reputation management strategies in public hospitals.
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