In this study, the impact of mobile applications developed by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey as part of its digitalization strategy on corporate reputation is analysed by using artificial intelligence methods through user comments. Within the scope of the research, the last 300 user comments of MHRS, Hayat Eve Sığar and eNabız applications on Google Play were analysed, and sentiment analysis and text mining techniques were applied. The findings reveal that MHRS and eNabız applications are generally perceived positively by users, which has a positive impact on the corporate reputation of the Ministry of Health. 81% of MHRS users and 73% of eNabız users made positive comments about the applications. However, for the Hayat Eve Sığar application, the positive comment rate remained at 51 percent, and more technical problems were reported. This shows that the application offers complex user experiences and needs to be improved. In conclusion, it is emphasized that the mobile applications of the Ministry of Health have strengthened its corporate reputation in general, but user satisfaction and sustainability of technical performance are critical to maintaining this reputation.
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